Tuesday, August 25, 2009

छोटाकूस बडाकूस

छोटाकूस ... बडाकूस ...,
दोनों भाई जिगरी दोस्त।
सूरज जैसा बडाकूस,
चंदा जैसा छोटाकूस।
साथ रहे तो दोनों खुश,
इनकी यारी बहुत खूब।
रोता है जब छोटाकूस,
दौड़ कर आता बडाकूस।
गोद में लेकर छोटे को,
लोरी सुनाता बडाकूस।
साथ खेले तो दोनों खुश,
इनकी यारी बहुत खूब।
इनके बीच की भाषा में
न वाक्य है न व्याकरण।
इनके बीच की हंसी को
न समझे कोई बाहर से।
बात करें तो दोनों खुश,
इनकी यारी बहुत खूब।
छोटाकूस... बडाकूस ...,
दोनों भाई जिगरी दोस्त।
सूरज जैसा बडाकूस,
चंदा जैसा छोटाकूस।
साथ रहे तो दोनों खुश,
इनकी यारी बहुत खूब।


This is my first genuine attempt at children's literature. Thanks to my wife, my father in law and my friends Raman and Nilesh for the corrections.

If you are seeing cryptic things, then it may be because you don't have a Devanagari font in your system. On a debian system,

# apt-get install ttf-devanagari-fonts

as root is all that you need to do.

Else, you can read a PDF version here.


Nasia said...

very cute! but why hindi?

Deepak said...

Just as it came to my mind.

manoranjini said...

Lovely poem..reminded me of my Hindi school book with simple poems and their illustrations.. Aww..the happiness is showing..

Rahul Vaze said...

If you are referring to Nilesh Khude for corrections, beware! He himself has long way to go in reading/writing/speaking Hindi :)

Mohammed Shahid said...

Hi Deepak, devoted follower of your blog and your one-time senior :-) Congratulations on the new arrival.

Laughter would be a mere 'hasi' -- or more appropriately 'haNsi' -- and not 'hassi'. Also, 'Farsi' is more appropriate than 'Persian' -- it's like Americans asking Desis: "So you speak Indian ?".

Deepak said...

Thanks Shahid. I've made both the corrections.

The comment also helped me discover your blog. Let me spend some time there.